Store Name: Omaha Steaks

Web site overall ranking:
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4 Stars*
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This site ranks the 12,163rd on the Internet
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Information provided on products
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Delivery of product
Cost and effectiveness of shipping and handling of purchased products
Affordability of prices
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* The maximum number of stars that can be obtained by a Web site is 5 stars
** The above rankings are based on the results of the reviews that are sent to us by visitors of alldayshopping like yourself. If you would like to write a review about this Web site please
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Our Review

Omaha Steaks is a family business founded in 1917 and is involved with manufacturing, marketing and distributing various kinds of steaks, red meats and food products.

The company, which has 1,800 employees, is situated in Omaha, Nebraska and includes two manufacturing plants, a distribution center as well as a freezer warehouse. Expansion in terms of new corporate and marketing offices was achieved in 1999.

Omaha Steaks serves customers nationwide as well as overseas. They have developed as a separate company in 1995 to better serve customers and provide them with a unique shopping experience.

Omaha Steaks offers great service and quality always, and their policy is "100% satisfaction guaranteed". They want their customers satisfied at all times and in case they are not, Omaha Steaks ensures product replacement or complete refunds. All this enabled the company to achieve public recognition and a big number of awards. offers a great variety of shopping categories, which are:

Premium Beef
Seafood Selections
Veal, Pork and Lamb
Poultry Entrees
Exquisite Deserts
Kosher Foods
Appetizers and Sides
Sauces and Seasonings
Quick and Easy
What’s New
Gift Plans and Ideas

Just click on the category you are interested in and get detailed information about the products as well as some good deals and offers. Once you have decided what you want click on it, specify the quantity and then click on "Buy". If you are finished and ready to check out then you need to fill the necessary forms with you personal and credit card information. To make sure that your order is on its way you will receive a confirmation email.



Good stuff, but Pricy. Definitely worth it! …as a treat.
Janet Field, September 9,2002

My friend sent me the steaks as a gift. Superb quality and taste. I investigated the site and found some good deals. I would definitely shop there. Tony Milton, August 30,2002

Since I placed my order, Omaha steaks did not stop sending me brochures, and calling me at home to buy more thinks. This company takes its marketing TOO seriously. What a nuisance! George, September 12, 2002


Similar Websites

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Contact Info

Customer Service Address Delivery
Omaha Steaks International Inc.
P.O Box 3300
10909 John Galt Blvd.
Omaha, NE 68103
Std: 7 business days
Express Delivery
Overnight Delivery

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